Friday, March 18, 2011

A Vent . . . . Beck, Please Climb Back Over The Railing, Help Us FIGHT, Not Give Up

I haven't written here in a while.

I've been trying to do, well, other things.

Friends and others know I've been venting about the state of this country for some time. It's supposed to help. Sometimes does.

I've been a fan of Glenn Beck for some time as well. Still am, but some days it's difficult. It's almost always depressing.

Sometime last fall I realized it was time for me to take a break from my preaching and start ACTING. Those people I liked to talk about who exemplified what this country has been and could be . . . time for THAT to be me. Rather than so often expressing my opinion, all that makes this country great, I needed to be demonstrative of WHY it is that way. It still has the opportunity to be MORE. Still. But it's getting more and more difficult because of GOVERNMENT.

It's not easy to deal with all of this. So, in the spotlight, I feel for Beck.

I had someone recently tell me, as I have practiced putting this new approach into action: "We were so worried about you". She was referring to those rants. Meanwhile, the four kids she and her husband share, guess there are no worries about the future caving in around them. Nope, it's ME. And it's Beck. Yeah, that's easier, though so ill-placed.

In the 1980s there was a movie called "The Accidental Tourist". Some may see me as the accidental Conservative.

That pisses me off, honestly. So I'm gay, big DEAL. It's only a big deal when you accept the parameters of victimhood most gay men eagerly buy into. If you buy into the lies, the patronizing, it's surely easier, nice . . . like being a puppy who likes his head stroked.

I don't hate my country. I never have. When Michelle Obama proclaimed that she'd never been proud of her country until her husband became a nominee for President of the United States, I was repulsed. And, let me tell you, I've been more repulsed every day since. These people obviously do not like this country, while they rub their new taxpayer-funded lifestyle and despicable behavior, anti-American opinions in our faces. I can't stand them. I see their lies. They are nasty and contrary, to my view, everything good about this country.

I see a brick wall ahead, and Obama struggling to keep his idiot, America-hating foot on the accelerator.

Leonardo is toast. The frozen kind. Time to accept it, kick like hell and blow the whistles.

Glenn Beck knows that, has been better at exposing them than anyone else. But Glenn, you promised something new last year starting this year. Where is it? I GET what you're saying. Now, what about those action items, the "something else" you seemed to be, WERE promising. For now, I'm moving back to Neal Boortz, and will endure hearing about a 'Fair Tax,' which will never happen. Boortz retains some modicum of possibility all is not lost. I need that. I want that. Beck's already in the tiny sub down below analyzing the wreckage, wants everyone to know he foretold the disaster before it was completely obvious to all. So invested in the collapse, he's no longer fighting as he should for the salvage which might take place pre-sinking. He's not just the captain going down with the ship, but jumping up and down on top of the bow, trying to push it in faster.

The world doesn't not look pretty these days. A weaker United States makes all of that so much worse.

But I would rather FIGHT, and provide a positive example when and where I am able, than sounding an alarm to fill the life boats, planning to blow the whistles and go back to check for anyone who might have survived.

It is time to build more boats, if necessary, educate all we can, and attempt, with all our might, to AVOID ever using them. encourage others to do likewise. I think and hope this country is still at least partially based on that rugged American-individualism I was told embodies our spirit.

Beck is, in my mind, unquestionably one of us, can help in that regard. Please, just stop jumping up and down on the bow, and come back over the railing. We're STILL horizontal, and you're about to go overboard.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Not Cowering, But Preparing

I've had recent confrontations with fellow Conservative-minded Americans I would not have expected before.

Glenn Beck, YOU are the cause.

I'm not pointing a finger at Glenn Beck as much as I am simply identifying the catalyst. And, yeah, somewhat, asking, uhhhhh, WHAT?

Last fall, and especially just before and around the holidays (by which I mean Thanksgiving and CHRISTmas, no worries), he spoke of how the coming year, 2011, would be different. HE, and the shows he leads on radio and television, THEY, would be "different". That's what he said. When you create such anticipation, I guess people expect something.

I did.

New year, same shows. Yeah, yeah, new theme song, some yapping before the music, but really a "different" show? Not that I can see. Or hear.

STILL the same educational, eye-opening experience it has been for at least the last two years.

So, I've experienced some head-butting. Sorry. I guess I did expect something different.

Not that it was needed. But, yeah, it was EXPECTED.

Maybe I even thought -- for me or others -- it was needed.

I'm pissed off about what is and has been going on in this country. Thus, a bit of a change would have been well-received, from where I sit.

I no longer want the: THIS IS WHAT IS BEING DONE TO US.

I get it.


Kick ass . . . . figuratively, metaphorically or however necessary.

I would LOVE for Glenn Beck, or other Paul Revere's like him, to come onto the scene and remind me that difficult times call for STRONG people prepared to accomplish difficult tasks.

I do not need to be reminded to withdraw to a corner in fear, as I have been through that phase.

I'm now looking back on that sad American and wondering what in the hell I was thinking. Or not thinking. Feeling. Fearing.

I'm done. And I'm ready for whatever lies ahead, ready to be inspired, reminded of why I need to take part and fight, as needed and required. Others before me, I know, have dealt with and overcome difficult, daunting circumstances. WE -- you, and me, and the Paul (and Paulette) Reveres -- yes, we can do it, too. At times, maybe, we need to be reminded that we can. And, maybe, a slight kick in the ass, to shake off complacency bred into our spirit over the last 30, 40, 50 years. Let's go.

I would love to see and hear from those I look to, look up to, to realize and understand that.

It's time to do battle, and MAKE the change we desire.

It's up to us.

I'm ready.

Bring it on.

I know Glenn Beck IS. He does it EVERY DAY, far more than I can imagine myself.

Inspire me, Glenn. I'm out of my corner, and staring at the shield and sword in front of me.

Friday, January 21, 2011

States Which PENALIZE All Americans

In the last year I had one facebook friend who proclaimed that the rest of America SHOULD bail out California because California has for so long contributed so much to America.

Bull crap, I say.

Back in the 1990s when I worked for a large cellular company, everyone knew that if you took the same level job in our San Diego or San Francisco markets, for the same position or at an equivalent level, you would make easily 30% MORE there, aside from any raise which might be involved for a promotion. Bottom line: IT'S MORE EXPENSIVE THERE.

Who's paying for that? Were Californians' cellular bills that much greater? Hell no. If higher at all, not much . . . EXCEPT surely the TAXES states and government in general love to attach to such bills. No, my company was just as competitive as any other players in the market, as aggressive as the complex web of state regulations would allow.

No, MUCH of those necessarily HIGHER wages, so that employees might actually be able to AFFORD to live there, MUCH of those wages were surely coming from OTHER markets around the country.

One BIG pot from which California -- where they think their crap doesn't stink even though most Americans might say it smells WORSE -- demanded more than its share to support an out-of-control Jabba The Hut-like government determined to do and FUND whatever warped program, pay scale, bill it wished.

Cellular bills were simply my experience. Anything and everything you can buy across the country surely has a similar story behind it.

California is like the ill-behaved teenager who needs some time with a foul-mouthed inmate to scare them straight. California (Illinois, New York, WASHINGTON, etc.) is due for that encounter.

I hope Americans are ready.

(And, yeah, thought about going with a smaller or scaled down image, but I liked this one BIG!!!)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Incompetence, Hypocrisy And Idiocy, Oh My!

I was told again the other day that my words are "hateful". Not the first time and surely not the last. I'll file that away with the times I've been called other things, like homophobe, racist, etc., all the names Liberal Progressives love to toss about when they do not like what is being said, or who is saying it. If they gave out medals, I'd wear them around with a smile on my face.

Of course, the woman saying it this time had herself just been ranting about Sarah Palin being responsible for the Tucson shootings.

You literally could not make these people up. No one would think them believable. Yet, they're all around us, so there's ample proof. Living, breathing, caricatures.

If there are things Liberal Progressives are truly good at, for me, they boil down to this: Incompetence, Hypocrisy, Idiocy.

Sometimes you get (un)lucky and find these ignoble traits all in one. In such case, you know he or she will have been promoted far, far beyond any level of reasonable responsibility based on nothing but good intentions and a desire by those around him or her to prove they are ignorant to said individual's serious deficit of competence and, often times, yes, skin color, sexual preference, religious beliefs (read: Muslim), etc. Nut shell: Prove you don't notice any of these things, prove the size of your heart, your love and feeling for them by constantly elevating them in status. Think about it. It's done time and time again, from childhood (students who cannot read continually promoted) to work environments (if you work for one, you've likely seen it) to politics (see below) to now, even our military (Nadal Hassan, the Fort Hood shooter, for one).

The perfect case study would be one Barack Hussein Obama. His significant lack of any meaningful experience or accomplishments combined with an ability to read a teleprompter and associations made while "community organizing" (read: passing out flyers) with other radicals was seen by many on the Left to perfectly suitg him to be President. Gosh, poor little Barry just deserved it. Not all those people who voted for Barry were Liberal Progressives, of course. Many were just gullible and / or stupid, suffering from years of being purposefully dumbed down in public schools run by teacher unions more focused on tenure than learning, where thinking for oneself would have meant breaking away from the slaughter of the lambs, or their individuality and resourceful thinking. No, Clarice, gurl, those lambs didn't have a chance.

Courage isn't handed out. No worthy human attributes are.

Thus, the woman I made my "hateful" comments to echoed the Liberal Progressive mantra that poor little Barry is merely having trouble with all the horrors he inherited from Bush. For the excuse and victimhood-oriented Ameican, there's a long shelf-life on that one, no matter the stench others have long begun to smell when it is mentioned.

So, she accused me of "hateful" comments while attacking Palin just because, well, just because she's there. If you're a woman who dared to give birth to a baby you knew to have downs syndrome, well, you're obviously a horrible bitch. You should have dealt with that before Liberal Progressives were forced to look at him and made to feel bad for all the children they've aborted over the years. You're public enemy number one.

They can hate. I'm accused of it, simply by expressing my own opinions.

I'm not supposed to hate, but they're allowed to. But that's not 'hate'; it's different.

When we question the idiocy they tell us -- that we must ban tobacco but legalize marijuana, that government must spend more to improve the economy, that we must print money and buy our own debt for the same reason, that unemployment benefits are the best way to create jobs, etc. etc. etc. -- we are either complete morons or just not as enlightened as they.

Accept their narrative, their plans, their ideas, or you, too, are just full of hate. And to challenge it would just be stupid.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Scary People With Candy

We all have memories from childhood which scare us a bit. I could never really watch horror movies. Not until the last few years. Now, nothing seems as scary as the reality we see day to day, that pseudo-American staring back at me from the television.

But when I was a kid, what most scared me was usually characters from movies meant for kids, but with that one sinister character. He, or she, they were meant to scare, to teach a lesson. One of these was the Candyman, or 'Child Catcher', from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

I was lucky in a way. I've never really liked candy. But I was afraid he had an even more evil brother who did the same thing for little kids easily lured away by pizza or fried chicken, or, maybe, my mother's squash patties. They were her own creation, but such evil people have ways of finding things out, replicating and luring you in with something they know you really, really like.

I no longer fear the 'Child Catcher'. He's been replaced by Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barack Obama, all the other Progressives out there who seem to have such a knack for luring in my fellow Americans, then slapping down the door in back, revealing the cage in which they voluntarily placed themselves. Sadly, there's very little screaming.

They're not the first 'American Catchers', just the latest in the series. From Social Security and Medicare to new food ingredient restrictions and those sweet as sugar unemployment benefits, Americans are being led in, eagerly climbing up the ladder and into the trap. It's all good for you, meant to help, climb on up and have a look.

Did you know that nothing creates new jobs like government unemployment benefits? That was a sugary theory put forth by 'American Catcher' Nancy Pelosi. Yeah, she said CREATE jobs, not destroy them. When I heard that idiot statement, I immediately got an image in my head of a dog chasing his tail round and round and round. I got a tad dizzy contemplating the amazing possibilities. Turns out something going on inside Pelosi's head is scarier than what we see on the outside.

Time and time again, Democrats propose new programs under the guise of helping, when the true goal is dependence, control. In case you didn't know, Progressives, Democrats AND Republicans, they know better than you. No qualifiers, just generally, they know better than YOU do. You need them to tell you what to do and how to do it whether you realize it or not. It's surprising you can tie your shoes all by yourself. Yeah, somewhat difficult to argue that for some of THEIR supporters, I'll admit.

It's sad to see what is transpiring in America with the support of many Americans. But with little understanding of history, or the real intent behind programs said to be designed to help, and a sad lack of desire or ability to think for themselves, too many Americans are loading themselves up into their cage, smiles on their faces, waiting for a sweet surprise.

Yes, the Child Catcher now seems benign by comparison.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Broad Brushes & Debate

A broad brush stroke can help more quickly cover any wall in new paint. In politics and other areas of debate, however, it's a tool designed to diminish, if not eliminate, opposing opinion.

The events of January 8, 2011, in Tucson, Arizona, were the result of the choices and behavior of ONE individual, no matter his specific motivations.

Our country and real freedom are based on individual rights. Individuals will make good choices, act positively. Other individuals will make bad ones, behave badly, dangerously. Then those individuals should be punished.

Broad brush strokes should be left to paint.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Don't Ask, Don't Think, Don't Joke, Etc.

There are some amazing gay men and women serving the United States in our military.

I’ve seen a few of them interviewed, read their comments, heard of the comments made by those who have served with and for them.

I do not think they are what the repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ is all about.

Over this past weekend we’ve seen rise of a story about videos produced by the enlisted on the U.S.S. Enterprise. The videos are said to include scenes with jokes about gays, and dealt with sex (with women). The ship’s Captain, who participated in making the videos in 2006 and 2007, has now been relieved of his command.

War is not politically correct, but now our military IS.

Gone are the days when safety and security of our borders and citizens was paramount. We’re now consumed with feelings and emotions, we practice being offended, even if no one else is.

No, as I said, I do not believe this is all about the brave gay men and women serve in our armed forces. Instead, I believe it is for the same groups, in San Francisco, in New York, in the typical centers of Liberalism which are perpetually offended, which seem to believe the primary role of our military is to be a backdrop for gay pornography. They know nothing of patriotism, of the sacrifices made for them by those who serve now and have served in the past. Their idea of freedom is the ability to wear backless leather chaps and nothing else in public. They – as N.O.W. for women and the NAACP for blacks – are professional victims and are prepared to always be that, no matter how great the cost.

When such people and their ideals, their personal standards and expectations, are determining the behavior and daily activities of our fighting forces while even isolated at sea, you know our nation is in serious trouble.

This gay man respects and appreciates each man and woman who has volunteered to serve in our nation’s military, who seek to ensure our nation and her citizens remain safe and secure. I would question the motives of anyone who is not, for they are serving to secure YOUR safety and security, your freedom as well.

I do not respect the perpetual victims and their cheerleaders. They endanger all the others seek to preserve and defend.